Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, the 9th, PET SCAN results

Called for John's PET Scan results this morning.....gulp! Nurse called the house around 10ish....handed the phone to John (he is in the bathroom)....I am trying to listen at the door....sounds like good news!! YES INDEED!! PET SCAN is CLEAN!!!!!!!! No sign of that nasty ass Cancer!!! OMG! SIGH OF RELIEF!!
Next step. Bone marrow test on the 17th with Dr. Castillo. I really hope that he has time to go over with John what his time frame is going to be from that point on. I understand he has to have his marrow tested and then wait another week for those results and then wait another 4-8 weeks before he can go for the bone marrow transplant. I want, I should say I hope Dr. Castillo will explain to him in full detail of what is going to happen. I would also love for Dr. Castillo to bring up the physician's name at Roger Williams hospital again that does the bone marrow transplants. I know that Dana Farber is the holy grail for people,everyone goes there, right. There should not be a question about it, right. Well I have a question about it. I am actually going to present this question to the Dr. Castillo and Dr. Jacobsen, who is the physican at Dana Farber. I want to know if Roger Williams is comparable to Dana Farber. I know Dana Farber is the best, why? Beacause people have been sent there for years, only because they are unaware there is a bone marrow transplant center in RI. I really need to find out more information on Roger Williams. I would love to get my hands to do the talking via email to Dr. Jacobsen at Dana Farber and ask him what he thinks of Roger Williams Hospital. What if he says to me or John for that matter, Roger Williams is an excellent hospital, yes, of course you can have your transplant done there. Would John go there? I am not trying to sound selfish and I hope it is not coming across that way. I want John to get the best treatment and care, no matter where he is. Anyone would do anything for a loved one in order to make them well again, the best doctor's, the best hospitals and the best care. I am there for him. There is not a doubt in my mind he will be fine...he will be back 110%....he has to....he just has to....

1 comment:

Chriss said...

yayyy, excellent news for my friend!!
Nasty cancer, take that!!!